Volunteers and Coaches
Our club wouldn’t exist without them, and there is always room for one more! Whether you want to simply cook a few snags, or manage a team, we’re looking to grow our volunteer team again this year.
If you’re keen to become a coach, team manager, or strapper/trainer, please contact Rugby Manager, Glenn Carey – rugbymanager(at)gungahlineag
If you’re keen to become a volunteer, please contact General Manager, Leroy O’Sullivan – generalmanager(at)gungahlineag
Ways you can help out as a volunteer include:
- Team manager
- Registrar
- Sponsorship liaison
- Trainer/Strapper/Physio
- Canteen and Merchandise
- Events and Post match functions
- Gameday support
- Media and communications
All Coaches and Volunteers must register using the Rugby Xplorer app, it’s free and easy, and means you’re covered when conducting any duties related to the club.